Category Archives: Rants

A Rant.

Bondage. We all know what it is, right?


1. The state of one who is bound as a slave or serf.
2. A state of subjection to a force, power, or influence.
3. The practice of being physically restrained, as with cords or handcuffs, as a means of attaining sexual gratification.
4. Villeinage.

I refer mostly to definition number 3 for now.

Now lets take a look at the definition of ‘Restrain’


a. To hold back or keep in check; control.
b. To hold (a person) back; prevent.
2. To deprive of freedom or liberty.
3. To limit or restrict.
Now, if we take into consideration the above, if you are restraining someone/being restrained it is to prevent them/you from moving/struggling/doing something in particular.
now this is all very well, but looking at various tools of implementing such effects, who on earth invented ‘fluffy handcuffs’ (now available in pink!).
It actually gets my goat more than it should.
Sickeningly girly Bondage and BDSM gear.
“riding crop with  cute butterfly motif!”
“Soft fleece love cuffs with little diamanté padlock!”
It’s like they’re dumbing down the whole point of what bondage should be. (in my opinion)
It’s like saying, “oooh, i want you to tie me up and spank me!, oh but do it NICELY”
it’s like it’s becoming a fashion THING.
To me, Practicality and durability are gonna be far more reliable in your big thick leather buckled wrist cuffs with industrial strength steel chain, and not so much in your little diamond studded,  silk ribbon ties. Not only that, but BDSM should be something that gives you the willies. Not make you feel like a poodle going to a dog show (unless you’re into that…)

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